EDUC 230 Teaching with Multimedia Technology


The purpose of my teaching video was to have the students expressed what they eat throughout their day and to avoid nutrient deficiency. I wanted to Promote learning opportunities for students to understand the benefits of health and fitness. A lesson plan was shown on a projector screen to give the students a visual of the objective. The objective was for students to learn how to utilize 3D software. Then design a MyPlate to strengthening their knowledge of their future health outcomes. 

In addition to my teaching video here are pictures that displays students prior learning. Using the website called “”

Health and fitness start from within! The first picture here displays the title: 

The second picture here display questions one and two:

The final picture here displays questions three and four:

Lastly, the teaching video is to express the obligation to my student’s nutrition and health. 

It’s a important requirement to educated them on the food content. Allowing student’s the chance to do their own dietary analysis. 

Link to my Teaching Video: